Sight Correction Calculator

Everything must be entered in inches and in Decimal Form!
Use the tab key to move to the next box after inputting the correct number.

All measurements must be in inches and in Decimal form. Example: 1 1/2" = 1.5

7/8" = .875
3/4" = .75
1/2" = .5
1/4" = .25
1/8" = .125
10 yards = 360 in.
15 yards = 540 in.
20 yards = 720 in.
25 yards = 900 in.
30 yards = 1080 in.
Error at Target
Distance to Target
Sight Radius
Adjustment Needed

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Remember, everything must be entered in inches and in Decimal Form!
Use the tab key to move to the next box after inputting the correct number.